What does a strategic plan require?

The recording of the existing resources, and the assessing of the internal and external environement, especially the current trends, good practices, threats and opportunities.

How is it implemented?

Through a circular process which requires the following in sequential order:

Priorities – Planning – Planning – Implementation – Communication Collaboration and consultation – Monitoring – Performance measurement – ​​Evaluation – Review

Is strategic planning in Greek Higher Education connected to public sector?

The Law 4940/2022 has introduced the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), a common tool to assist public sector organizations to use quality management techniques in public administration. Greek HEIs' strategic plans are inteconnected with the requirements of the Law 4940/2022 as on the one hand, the majority of the Institutions' employess are civil servants whose efficiency and perormance is assessed according the above-mentioned Law, and on the other, because the annual operational plans of the administrative units must be in accordance with the HEIs' strategic priorities and goals.

What is the difference between Strategic Planning and Quality Assurance?

Quality assurance is one of the objectives of a higher education institution's strategic plan. In other words, it is a part and one of its main priorities. The strategic plan is the holistic approach for realizing the vision of a HEI, while quality assurance is one of the processes that will allow it to be realized.

Strategic planning is oriented towards the production of overall decisions and actions that shape and guide 'what' an organization is and 'where it wishes to be', 'what it wishes to achieve' in the future taking into account both the internal and external environment. Quality assurance focuses on internal processes, the process of continuous evaluation for the recording, analysis and systematic assessment of teaching and research work, curricula and other services provided.

What is the difference between a strategic and an operational plan?

Strategic Plan Operational Plan 
It is ambitious, far-sighted, future-oriented It is short-termed, and present-oriented
It focuses on the mission, and the vision It focuses on performing work tasks
It captures where the HEI wants to go   It captures how the HEI will acheive its goals
It is planned with a horizon of at least four years    It is implemented on an annual basis
It sets general objectives, it is broader It sets more specific goals and detailed actions
It concerns the whole HEI It concerns each specific academic and administrative unit
It is designed by the hierarchy It is carried out by the administrative and academic staff 
It takes external variables into account It takes into account internal processes
It may be updated periodically It is updated annually
It is implemented by the entire organization It is implemented by each administrative and academic unit