The legal framework

According to article 224 of Law 4957/2022:

1. The Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) draw up a multi-year strategic plan for academic development, in accordance with the national strategy program for higher education of article 14 of Law 4653/2020 (A' 12), the national strategy for research and innovation, as well as the developments and main objectives of actions for higher education in the European and international area. The strategic plan has a duration of at least four (4) years. The strategic plan is approved by a decision of the Institution's Board, following a proposal by the Rector and a proposal by the Strategic Planning Committee.

2. The strategic plan describes HEI's strategy for its development at the local, national, European and international level, in accordance with its special character and its mission in the various fields of its activity, such as the educational and research policy of the Institution and its academic units, the educational strategy for each study cycle, lifelong learning, education and scientific training, the continuous improvement of teaching and learning, the strengthening of extroversion and the interconnection with society and the economy, the development of partnerships with foreign institutions and bodies, innovation and the upgrading of the quality and accessibility of the academic environment. The plan includes the short-term and medium-term goals in the sectors that the HEI wishes to develop, as well as the actions and means proposed for their implementation, such as the attraction of new financial tools, the utilization of the HEI's available resources, the upgrading of the infrastructure and equipment, as well as the attraction of highly qualified scientific personnel. The strategic plan includes the strategy of HEI for the equal access of people with disabilities and people with special educational needs, its strategy for the digital transformation and the upgrading of the digital infrastructures along with the strategy for the sustainable development of the Institution, as specialized in the plans of articles 226 to 228.

3. For the implementation of the strategic plan per academic or administrative unit of the HEI, an operational plan is drawn up, in which the policy of the Institution's strategic plan is specified per individual unit and include an annual target setting program, the implementation planning of each target and the measures for its implementation.

4. The strategic plan may be reformed during its validity in accordance with the needs and conditions that apply, as well as the changes in the national strategy for higher education of article 14 of Law 4653/2020, the national strategy for research and innovation, as well as developments in higher education in the European and international environement.

TUC Strategic Plan

During the period 2020-2025, Technical University of Crete (TUC) will seek to adapt its academic program to emerging scientific fields that are at the cutting edge of international development and innovation. A broader aim will therefore be Innovation and Excellence in the TUC's academic, research and scientific fields, as well as outreach to society and the economy. TUC's Strategic Plan was approved following the 544th/23.12.2020 Senate's decision, and includes specific priorities with theirs corresponding goals and actions to be implemented:

Priority 1: Quality Education

Priority 2: Innovative Research

Priority 3: Promotion of Excellence

Priority 4: Human Resources’ strengthening, development, and improvement

Priority 5: Infrastructures’ upgrading

Priority 6: Efficient operation

Priority 7: Sustainability

Priority 8: Interconnection with society and the economy

Priority 9: Internationalization